Forecast for the rest of today at - Cloudy.

Station Status

Data: 0
Page Status: Next update 15 secs
Temperature (steady) 20.2 °C
Today's maximum 21.3 °C   at 14:42
Today's minimum 14.6 °C   at 10:20
Feels Like
Apparent temperature 19.6 °C
Dew point (comfortable) 10.9 °C  
Humidity 55 %
Rainfall today 0.0 mm
Rainfall yesterday 0.0 mm
Rainfall this month 76.2 mm
Rainfall this year 775.4 mm
Storm rain (started 20 Oct) 8.8 mm
Last rained 2024-10-21 02:00
Run of dry days 1
Today's max rate 0.0 mm/h
Wind Speed
Latest speed 4.8 km/h
Average last 10 min 4.3 km/h
Maximum gust 14.5 km/h
Wind run today 18.4 km (2.8 km/hr)
Wind Direction
Latest bearing 287° WNW
Average last 10 min WSW
Dominant direction today W
Pressure (sea level)
Barometer 1019.8 hPa
Falling slowly -0.3 hPa/h
Pressure (sea level)
Today's high pressure 1021.7 hPa
Today's low pressure 1019.7 hPa
Sun shining? Yes
Radiation (insolation) 722 W/m²
UV index 2.8
Sunshine Totals
Sunshine today 3.9 hrs
Sunshine this month 140.1 hrs
Sunshine this year 2074 hrs
Air Quality
Particulate Matter PM2.5 0.0 μg/m³
Particulate Matter PM10 0.2 μg/m³
Air Quality Index Good

Forecast by  BOM logo BOM Serpentine Radar BOM Perth Area Observations icon

Forecast by  BOM logo BOM Serpentine Radar BOM Perth Area Observations icon

Tuesday 21 °C 30%   Cloudy. icon
Wednesday 8 °C 25 °C 5%   Sunny. icon
Thursday 12 °C 29 °C 0%   Sunny. icon
Friday 12 °C 25 °C 5%   Mostly sunny. icon
Saturday 10 °C 24 °C 5%   Mostly sunny. icon
Sunday 11 °C 28 °C 5%   Sunny. icon
Monday 15 °C 34 °C 5%   Sunny. icon
Issued: 9:27 am Tuesday October 22    Next routine issue: 4:00 pm Tuesday October 22